The Liturgy of the Mass is a cosmic event which embraces heaven and earth. The actions of Jesus at the Last Supper have formed the basis of the Eucharistic liturgy which replaces the sacrificial actions of the Temple. In the Mass, Christ is not sacrificed again, rather his one self-giving, perfect Sacrifice is made present to us in the action of the Liturgy through the consecration of bread and wine, which become for us the body and blood of Christ.
The work of Eucharistic Celebration is not just an intellectual exercise, rather it is a bodily, sensual, intellectual, and Spiritual exercise which brings the whole person into the cosmic event taking place in a consecrated space. In it's highest form, the Mass effectively engages all these parts of the person in the work being done. The ceremonial aspects of the high Church Mass work in concert with the manual acts of the Mass to create what some have called a "foretaste of heaven". In this action, the meditative heart can apprehend the presence of Almighty God, not seen, but experienced, much as Moses experienced Him at Mt. Horeb.
In this work we are eternally indebted to those who trained us at Nashotah House Seminary. We are grateful for such works as The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, Ritual Notes by E.C.R. Lamburn, and The Manual Acts in the Celebration of The Holy Eucharist by the Order of Julian of Norwich.