Crunch Time for the ACNATwo and a half years ago, we resigned from the ACNA. The primary reason being a noticeable drift toward Social Justice Ideology in...
Why a Liturgical Home Church?Given that it is so much easier to form a non-liturgical home church, why have we proposed to form Liturgical Home Churches given the far...
Choosing a Eucharistic MinisterThe thorniest problem for the Liturgical Home Church Movement [LHCM] will be the selection of Eucharistic Ministers for the various home...
Liturgical Home Church MovementA new way to be Church In our previous post we very briefly recounted the problems of the last 50 years that have transformed vast...
Back to Basics for the Church?In the 1950's, McDonalds was born with the simple idea that when people wanted to go out for food, they should be served in 30 seconds...
Is it time for a Home Church Movement?The last 50 or so years have seen an increasingly rapid pace of secularization of the Church in America [obviously elsewhere also, but...
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.Christmas Day commemorates God's opening salvo in a cosmic battle to redeem the world. Christians all around the world stop what they...
The Church Fraud in Romans 13At a public worship protest held in Moscow, Idaho on Saturday September 26, a counter-protester held up a sign that said "Romans 13". As...
The Eternal Church of the Instantaneous MomentThe heavy lifting required to formulate the Nicene Creed involved serious theological thought which resulted in the Doctrine of the...
The Church practices racism by Preaching racismIf you are attending a Church that is heading off the rails with Social Justice, White guilt, or White privilege [or, all three!], you...