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The Church practices racism by Preaching racism

If you are attending a Church that is heading off the rails with Social Justice, White guilt, or White privilege [or, all three!], you might want to take about 5 minutes and read this article so you are emotionally/spiritually prepared to dispute what your Church is teaching or to prepare yourself to find another Church.

It's not that your priest/pastor/Worship leader has necessarily gone loony Left, but he/she is under tremendous peer pressure to conform to what their leadership is "suggesting" they message [don't we preach anymore? We just message] to their congregations. And those leaders are also under tremendous pressure from Left wing social groups to buy into the systematic racism message or be plundered and pilloried in the press. And clergy, trust me, are by and large like many of us and like to be liked and are pretty spineless in the face of such pressure.

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