The battle over Sacramental Theology continues to this day with the Roman Catholic Church clinging tenaciously to Transubstantiation to explicate the presence of Christ’s Body and Blood, and some of the Churches grounded in the Protestant Reformation similarly aligned with the Christological formulation of the Real Presence which supports a spiritual efficacy.
Given that the Eucharistic celebration represents a divine mystery, we might want to be open to the notion that the truth of the matter is represented by neither formulation advanced by the two antagonists, but rather encompasses a truth that is some synthesis of the two formulations. Without delving into the details, such a notion is well known in the fields of Mathematics and Quantum Physics, often labelled as the Superposition Principle. In a Superposition formulation, the true Expectation Value [fancy term for the Truth] is a linear combination of the discrete states [the two formulations here] operated on by a function that describes the system which relates to the discrete states. Clear? Don’t worry. The point here is; we acknowledge that this idea of a Superposition of the two formulations is not helpful in understanding the exact nature of such a Superposition as we do not have enough operational information about the ways God works to find the truth of the matter [that Expectation Value]. But it is helpful in a heuristic sense in relieving us of having to take a side in a somewhat pointless argument. We can accept the wisdom of both formulations in faith that God knows the truth [the real Expectation Value]. Pending further revelation, this is where we will sit for now!