This is adapted from a Podcast Script
· A Third and final point for the Church and the leaders of the Church involves the defending the work of the Church in an increasingly hostile world environment
· Nothing illustrates this concept and responsibility of the Church better than the Church’s institutional response to the COVID pandemic and the demands of government that Churches needed to shut down during the pandemic
· The almost unanimous response of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Elders to meekly comply with these suggestions and in many cases demands and requirements to shutdown at the very least demonstrated that the Church WAS just as non-essential as the government claimed it to be
· The damage done to the body of Christ by this spineless approach of leadership will haunt the Church for many years to come
· The response also meant that faithful Christians did not receive sacramental nourishment, could not receive pastoral help, and many died alone without the ministrations of the Church in their greatest time of need.