In 2021 we wrote a lot about Home Churches and how they may become the refuge for faithful Christians. In a recent article, Rod Dreher chronicles how this may be coming at us even faster than we might have thought;
My comment on this article was this:
False teachers reliably do what Jesus told us they would do and Paul reminded us of in his letters to the Church.
Certainly one path that can be discerned through this is the migration of orthodox, Holy Scripture believing Christians to Home Churches. Although the issues differ, this has been the path forced upon Christians in places like Red China.
Home Churches will be comprised of biblically literate followers of Christ, not followers of an institution, or followers of the way it used to be, or followers of the building they inhabit as part of some institutional entity. These things are all dross [to use a good OT word] and have no bearing on our salvation. Christ talked about the narrow road and the broad road and that false teachers were a reason so many were on the broad road. When Christ said, by their fruit we would recognize them, clearly, one of those fruits is their teaching (Matt 7:16).
Oddly, now is a wonderful time to be a faithful Christian. Despite the despair we may feel at what is crumbling around us, there has hardly been a better time to differentiate oneself as a faithful follower of Christ.